Placing Articles Online allows you to demonstrate your expertise by providing useful information that members of your industry’s community are actively seeking out. Online articles position you as an expert in your field and convey a level of authority that establishes trust and sets the stage for future career opportunities.
The prime "real estate" in the virtual world is at the top of the search engine listings. You should know that the most widely used search engines rank Web sites by the quantity of other Web sites that link to them. What this means for you, as a job seeker, is that every article you publish and thoughtful comment you make on the websites of others can improve your search engine rankings.
Build On-line Relationships
Most business networking used to happen when we recommended an associate, swapped business cards, or connected with colleagues over lunch. But increasingly, social networking is migrating to the Internet.
Through social networking Web sites and online discussion lists, both job seekers and potential employers can access virtual communities of associates while developing virtual "platforms" to establish themselves as recognized experts.
If you are just beginning your online marketing strategy the top 5 list below will get you started on a plan that has worked for many:
- Start with a self-promotion plan and an effective development strategy
- Learn and practice good Search Optimization Techniques
- Strive to get ranked at the top in major search engines
- Learn to use E-mail effectively and use email auto-responders and handle your e-mail efficiently and effectively
- Write and publish on-line articles or get listed in news stories
By following the tips listed above, you will be on your way to creating a concrete Internet self- marketing strategy, boost your credibility substantially and increase the probability of being found by potential employers.
Copyright © 2011, Career Matters. All Rights Reserved. Permission to Reprint: This article may be reprinted, provided it appears in its entirety with the following attribution: Copyright © 2011, Career Matters. Reprinted by permission of the author, Mary Salvino. “Career Matters” is a blog hosted by Mary Salvino, Senior Consultant for SMART Career This blog is dedicated to those who are seeking advice on managing their career and future job opportunities. We welcome readers to share their experiences, post their comments or ask questions about career related matters. For any questions or comments that are better addressed privately, please feel free to e-mail Mary directly at